Board Social Worker
M.A (Applied), B.A., Dip. Tchg, C.Q.S.W.
Mike is a full member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors (MNZAC) and the Aotearoa/New Zealand Association of Social Workers (MANZASW).
Mike has previously worked as a School Teacher, Probation Officer, Social Worker, Senior Counsellor in DSW Specialist Services, Regional Trainer (in what is now Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children) and lecturer in Social and Community Work at Massey University, Palmerston North.
Mike has nearly 30 years experience working in both the public and private sector, in the areas of service provision, education and training and development, as well as in private practice as a clinician in the field of human services. He has undertaken consultancies both nationally and internationally, in the Fiji Islands and also in Singapore for the last eighteen years. His consultancy work in New Zealand has seen him deliver training and other consultancy services to Government agencies such as Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children; The Department of Corrections and NZ Police. Mike is also approved as a Counsellor by ACC; Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children; the Family Court and the Employment Assistance Programme (EAP).
Mike currently works in Private Practice as a Counsellor, Life Coach, Clinical Supervisor, Social Work Consultant and Trainer. He is married with two sons, and he and his family live in Palmerston North.
Mike's website can be viewed at: www.changemaker.co.nz